Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yoga at Key Stone Studio

 Sometimes I go to my friend's Tomomi Ishimura's Yoga class.

She teaches Yoga at Key Stone studio twice a week. She explains why you take the poses, how they work, why they are good for your body and mind in Japanese. It's very reasonable price, too. Go to charge yourself if you need more energy!

Tomomi's website:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What if I got cavity in NYC?

What if I got cavity in NYC?

Answer #01: Wait until you go back to your country.
       #02: Go to a general dentist in your neighborhood. 

My answer is Going to NYUCD, New York University College of Dental clinic. You get cheap and good treatment by students who study at NYUCD and their professors. 

Last week, I got free treatment for one of my tooth as the student wanted to use my teeth as her final exam. It was nice to have a free treatment, but it started at 7:30 am and it took more than 4 hours. I need to keep opening my mouth for almost 4 hours...OMG. However, it was pretty funny experience to face to other patients who were also there for other students' exams. We laughed at each other.